Meet the Owners

Alejandro Caceres

Alejandro Caceres (P4x)

Alejandro Caceres, widely known as P4x, is a renowned hacker whose exploits have made headlines globally, including his bold takedown of North Korea's internet. As co-owner of Hyperion Gray, Alejandro leads with an unyielding passion for offensive security and unconventional cyber warfare. His expertise and audacious approach to hacking bring a unique edge to the company, making him a formidable force in threat actor hunting and active counter-threat services. Alejandro's relentless drive to confront and dismantle cyber threats ensures that Hyperion Gray remains at the forefront of cybersecurity innovation.

George Perera

George Perera

George Perera, co-owner of Hyperion Gray, is a dedicated law enforcement professional heading one of the largest cyber crimes unit in the United States. With a career rooted in legal expertise and computer forensics, George's meticulous approach to cyber crime investigation complements his role at Hyperion Gray. His background in law enforcement brings a level of integrity and procedural rigor that ensures all actions are legally sound and evidence is impeccably preserved. George's commitment to justice and his methodical nature create a balanced partnership with Alejandro's bold hacking prowess.

Working Together

Together, Alejandro Caceres and George Perera form a dynamic duo that embodies the philosophical balance of Parmenides, blending the relentless pursuit of hackers with the disciplined precision of law enforcement. Their combined expertise enables Hyperion Gray to tackle cyber threats with unparalleled efficacy, ensuring comprehensive incident response and groundbreaking research. This partnership exemplifies how contrasting skills can harmonize to achieve remarkable outcomes, making Hyperion Gray a unique force in the cybersecurity landscape.

Ransomware Response and Threat Actor Hunting

Ransomware is a serious threat, and we are here to combat it. We offer comprehensive response and proactive threat actor hunting services.
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Ransomware Response and Threat Actor Hunting

Our unique blend of hacking talent with P4x and his crew, and major players in the law enforcement community with Major Perera and his crew, we're uniquely positioned to own threat actors alike. Few companies can say "we can freeze bank accounts" and few can say "we can hack better than the hackers" but we can say both.

Incident Response / Active Counter Threat Services

We offer top-notch incident response and active counter threat services, combining expert hackers and law enforcement officers to ensure comprehensive expertise and protection.
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Incident Response / Active Counter Threat Services

You all know who P4x / Alex is and what he does, even with seemingly untouchable targets. Major Perera is the same way, but with law enforcement experience. We're here with a mix of both serious hackers and off duty law enforcement to respond to incidents in a safe and legal manner, maintaining the integrity of the evidence, so that when we hunt down the culprits, they stay down.

CNO/CNE DoD, IC, and LE Augmentation

We provide expert hacking services for DoD, intelligence community, and law enforcement agencies, leveraging our renowned capabilities to meet your needs.
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CNO/CNE DoD and LE Augmentation

Few companies will overtly say they hack for you, but we do. Everyone already knows what we're capable of, as Alex/P4x has made clear to the world. Our network of like-minded individuals is ready to help with your needs, both cleared and purposefully not. This is not just for folks in the US; we're happy to help our allies as well. Feel free to contact us, and we will be happy to discuss your needs.

Computer Forensics / Chain of Custody / Legal Expertise

Our team offers unparalleled computer forensics expertise, ensuring proper chain of custody and legal compliance in cybercrime investigations.
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Computer Forensics / Chain of Custody / Legal Expertise

When Hyperion Gray took up with some of the best in counter cyber crime, and they were cops, we were a little taken aback and wary. After working some ideas and talking shop with Major Perera and his crew - we were blown away. These aren't just any old computer forensics experts, they're the best. Who would know better about chain of custody and forensics than counter cyber crime cops? Yeah, pretty much no one.

Active Attack Simulation / Red Teaming / Penetration Testing

We specialize in active attack simulations, red teaming, and penetration testing to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities in your systems.
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Active Attack Simulation / Red Teaming / Penetration Testing

Hyperion Gray is a hacking company. We achieve good for the people by being some of the best hackers out there. Alex / P4x got mad one day, and brought down a country's Internet for over a week. We don't take on just any old test, we take those that need the best.

Tools / Web Services

Our advanced tools and web services, developed from extensive R&D, are now available to the public, offering powerful solutions for your needs.
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Tools / Web Services

Little Hyperion Gray has grown up. Not only are we wrinkly older, some of our best software is ready to be taken out of R&D and made available to the public. We're not just talking about some little tools either, we're talking sledgehammers and wrecking balls.

Electronic Countersurveillance and Investigations

Our expert team handles high-tech digital investigations and countersurveillance, providing thorough and trustworthy services for all your needs.
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Electronic Countersurveillance and Investigations

With our unique blend of law enforcement background, hacking talent, and far-reaching network of experts, we can handle any of your high-tech, digital, computer, or more traditional investigative needs. We aren't PIs; we're just... I's.

High-tech and Computer Surveillance Detection

We offer sophisticated surveillance detection services, protecting you from both digital and physical threats with our advanced techniques and tools.
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High-tech and Computer Surveillance Detection

We perform listening device and camera sweeps, computer network intrusion checks, honeypot/honeytoken deployment and monitoring, detection of targeted attacks, and sophisticated physical surveillance detection. We're not just talking about a guy with a bug detector, we're talking about a team of experts with the best tools and training available. We've seen these things happen in unexpected places, including public and private sector organizations, private individuals, and even cleared government contractors.


We conduct grant-based R&D in collaboration with various institutions and organizations, focusing on Offensive Security and Cyber Warfare.
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We perform grant-based R&D in partnership with the Department of Defense, Federal government, law enforcement, universities, research institutes, NGOs, and private sector companies. Our research generally focuses on Offensive Security, Cyber Guerrilla/Unconventional Warfare, and Offensive Insecurity. We have classically worked mostly with DARPA and IARPA as well as AFRL, Stanford Research Institute (SRI), USC's Information Science Institute (ISI), and a variety of other research labs.

Private and Other Investigations Augmentation

We provide specialized assistance for PI companies and law enforcement agencies, leveraging our technology expertise to support your investigations.
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Private and Other Investigations Augmentation

Are you a PI company who needs a little extra help? Are you a law enforcement agency who needs a little extra help? We're here to help. Whether it's fairly straightforward with specialized equipment like servers and computers that need looking into, or you have determined that a digital investigation of some sort may be both time-saving and appropriate, we can help.

0-day Analysis and Help

Got a cool crash but not sure what it is or how to control it? Have a weird bug that you can't figure out? We can help.
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0-day Analysis and Help

If you're a 0-day hunter we've all been there - that one crash that just has you going wait... what? You've got IDA, Ghidra, Binja, or Radare2 (if you hate yourself) open with WinDBG and you just need a second pair of eyes. We offer completely confidential no-questions asked help to provide you that pair of eyes. We can help at any point in the analysis chain, whether you just found the crash of you're already trying to actively exploit it properly.

Custom Training

We offer specialized training in various cybersecurity and law enforcement areas, tailored to your needs and provided by seasoned experts.
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Custom Training

Every once in a while we'll host planned trainings and courses in computer forensics, incident response, threat actor hunting, active counter threat services, 0-day hunting, exploit writing, network attacks, and more. We're not the biggest organization, but we have a deep and broad skillset and seasoned instructors. If you have any needs around technology, hacking, or law enforcement - we can help.

Security Consulting

Unsure of what security measures you need? We provide personalized consulting to help you identify and address your specific security needs.
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Security Consulting

No worries. We're not a bunch of elitist pricks here. We're happy to help you figure out what you need. We'll ask you a few questions, we'll do a little research, and we'll come back to you with a plan.

Custom Security Solutions

Your organization is unique, and so are your security needs. We offer custom solutions tailored to your specific requirements.
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Custom Security Solutions

Security and Offense in cyberspace doesn't fit in a box. Your organization is unique and will always have unique needs. We're not most organizations. We pride ourselves in providing custom solutions to your unique problems. We're not just talking about a custom tool or a custom training course, we're talking about a custom solution to your very real problems. You tell us what you need, we'll build a plan and a cost, and then we'll get to work.


Questions? Comments? Need a hand? Drop us a line!