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The Dark Web—What Is It, Really?
Goddy Ray March 7, 2019

The dark web is just a reflection of society at large. But common misconceptions prevent people from using it for legitimate, privacy-preserving purposes, Hyperion Gray’s researchers claim. “The truth is that the internet is its own evil twin – you can find people doing heinous shit everywhere on the internet, dark web or open web, it doesn’t matter, it’s just a reflection of society at large,” adds Hyperion Gray’s co-founder Amanda Towler.

The dark web and how to access it
MacKenzie Sigalos April 14, 2018

Tor is comprised of people from all over the planet who are donating their computers to the network. It has more than 7,000 relays to choose from. Bouncing your request around to random computers all over the world makes it much harder for people to find you.

Pedofilia, mercado negro y crímenes por encargo, así es el submundo de la Dark Web
Muriel Balbi April 8, 2018

Pornografía infantil, estafas, paquetes de virus con instructivos y servicio post venta, blanqueo de bitcoins, pasaportes falsos, nuevas identidades, armas químicas y de fuego, conspiraciones, drogas… no hay actividad ilegal que no tenga un lugar en la internet oscura.

This Map Gives You a Peek into the Dark Web
Richard March 21, 2018

Hyperion Gray’s Dark Web Map was the product of a 2015 experiment conducted under DARPA’s Memex project. The objective of Memex was to construct search engines to be used by the legal facet of dark web. Specifically, these simple search engines would help law enforcement officers curb criminal activities such as human trafficking.

Térképre Vitték a Dark Webet
Balázs Zsuzsanna March 19, 2018

Interaktív térképen ábrázolja a dark webet az amerikai hadsereg technológiai fejlesztését felügyelő DARPA kormányügynökségnek is beszállító Hyperion Gray szoftvercég. A térképen több mint 6600 weboldal és azok összeköttetései láthatók.

Der Spiegel
Das Darknet in einer Landkarte
March 16, 2018

So illustriert die Karte das, was die meisten Menschen unter dem Begriff Darknet oder auch Dark Web verstehen: Tor Hidden Services sind Dienste, die nur über den Tor-Browser aufgerufen werden können - jenes Anonymisierungswerkzeug, das verschleiert, wer was im Internet tut.

Questa mappa interattiva rivela che il dark web non è poi così oscuro
Riccardo Coluccini March 15, 2018

Il mondo del dark web — che ricordiamo essere solo una parte del più ampio deep web — è spesso associato ai più oscuri traffici illegali e alle attività più violente e atroci a cui la mente umana abbia mai pensato.

Heise Online
Die Grenzen der Anonymität
Olivia Von Westernhagen March 8, 2018

Das Darknet bietet nicht nur Whistleblowern und politisch Verfolgten Schutz. Auch Drogen- und Waffenhändler ziehen vermehrt von der Straße auf vermeintlich anonyme Marktplätze um und ihre Kunden bestellen bequem vom heimischen Sofa.

Hackers Scan All Tor Hidden Services To Find Weaknesses In The 'Dark Web'
Thomas Fox-Brewster June 1, 2015

If you go down to the deep web today, you’ll be following hot on the heels of a digital beast. In a matter of hours last week, the entire semi-anonymising Tor network, where activists and criminals alike try to hide from the gaze of their respective authorities, was traversed by PunkSPIDER, an automated scanner that pokes websites to uncover vulnerabilities.

Meet The Darpa-Backed Hackers Building A Google For Every Web Weakness
Thomas Fox-Brewster May 25, 2015

Hacker culture is dying. A scene that used to be replete with anticorporate sentiment and profreedom ideals is being sold out by cybersecurity capitalists more concerned with making a quick buck.